Modern and thoughtful logistics solutions allow us to provide our Partners with fast deliveries.We have our own slaughter house(Warehouse), which supplies products to many countries include Europe, Asia, America, Africa and Middle East.. As a few in the industry, we can guarantee constant availability of goods and services at the highest level.
Marine shipping is a normal port to port on 20, 40 feet container shipment process. With a Standard delivery process from 12 to 20 days depending on destination port. We also offer a special Express premium Port to Port that takes less than 15 working days.
Truck / Inland Delivery is an EU – based shipping procedure , Applicable to EU countries and some non EU countries around the European Union states.. This delivery is handled via road – trucks and normally takes a maximum of 7 business days.
All shipping documentations are scanned and emailed to buyers immediately upon shipment departure while originals are executed via DHL or FEDEX Express delivery respectively